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Business issues meet problem solvers.


It's Leo, Risk Management expert, passionate and lecturer living in London right now. 

With particular focus on strategic risk management, I help firms to assess and manager their risks. I have also decided to kick this site off in order to give everyone the possibility to interact with businesses, not only to execute tasks, but to help their strategic and decision making process. Thanks to your participation I will:

1- better structure this community, creating different pages for specific types of projects 

2- release tools, improving the efficacy of the biz issues solving process

3- develop app for you, helping you to quickly manage your businesses


Feel free to share any thought ( and I'll do my best to make this community as much effective as possible for all of you.


The real team working for this network is any business person who is facing any sort of business/strategic issue. You are invited to post them in the blog for the many solvers out there wishing to test themselves or, simply, to help you.


Are you a business owner?

1. Sign in and use the profile to describe your business

2. Create a post describing a business issue

3. Follow any issue in which you have an interest

4. Find and engage with the professionals you need



Are you a professional?

1. Sign in and use the profile to describe yourself

2. Find and follow the business issue you are interested

3. Comment contributing with new ideas to solve any issue 



Who we are working for? Definitely problem solvers, practitioners, professionals, visionaries, anyone who needs a business issue to solve to feel fulfilled, to have the chance of testing himself, to challenge himself and to get the confidence of becoming the next entrepreneur

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